HCRT Membership Blog

This is what the blog is all about.

Thursday, January 7, 2010

"Care Package" Thank You Notes

Dear Ms. Brown and Ms. High,
Thank you so much for the bag of goodies!  I have to say,
your timing couldn't have been better!


Wishing you happy holidays,


Dear Ms. Brown and Ms. High,

Thank you so much for the thoughtful care package! It absolutely made my day to receive such a wonderful surprise! Finals period is almost over - I only have one exam left, but it isn't until Monday. This semester has been great, but I'm definitely ready to come back to North Carolina for a while - apparently the high here tomorrow is 25 degrees! Thank you again for the wonderful package, and I hope you have a great holiday season!



Dear Ms. Brown and Ms. High,
I received my care package today! Thank you both so much! It's such a wonderful feeling to be receiving goodies and motivation from people who have been in my shoes before. :) I actually have my first final at 9 a.m. tomorrow morning, so the care package really lifted my spirits this afternoon. I'm sure I'll be munching and highlighting lots tonight... Happy North Carolina Holidays to you both! And thank you once again.


Dear RTP Harvard Club,
Wow, Thank you so much!
Send my thanks to everyone in the Club and please wish everyone happy holidays!

Sunday, January 3, 2010

Hut one - hut two, Hah-vahd!

Hut one - hut two, Hah-vahd!
By Warren L. Bingham

Harvard University is located about 800 miles north of the geographic center of North Carolina, yet North Carolinians know Harvard. Practically everyone knows Harvard, America's most recognized brand in higher education. However, very few from the Tar Heel state know about Harvard football, a sport the school has played since 1874.

Membership Matters

Hi! I'm Frank Crigler, and I'll be your Membership Chair for awhile.

When the HCRT Board kindly assigned me to this job a few months ago, I expected it to be a cakewalk. All I'd have to do was keep track of our club's members and make sure our records were up to date.

Wrong. It turns out that the primary job of the Membership Chair is to grow the club's rolls and encourage members to pay their dues on time, so that it can carry on the extraordinarily rich program of activities to which it's committed. These activities, I've discovered, can only be sustained if all of us dues-paying members are on board and up to date.

Hence this blog, which I hope will serve as a handy bulletin board where I can post items of particular interest to club members, without (God forbid) clogging your in-box with more long e-mail messages you don't have time to read. So from time to time, I'll send you a brief note just to let you know that I've posted an item here that I think you might wish to know about. Click on the link and read it at your leisure.

And please do let me know whether you find the items interesting and useful — or you'd rather not be bothered.

Best wishes for the New Year!